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Statistically you will spend 12 seconds on the Guerilla poet website, so, hello.... and..... goodbye.

Still here?? Thank you for being interested. Guerillapoets hide poems in matchboxes in odd places in the hope that somebody like you will find them, enjoy them, share them. Why? To bring a moment of mystery and headscratching synchronicity. Why not send your ideas, or a poem.!
We secretly dropped some poems in Pembrokeshire last week 


Want more???  There are some cheese and biscuits and yesterdays apple crumble ..  here   and your reflections and comments .. here

This months wordwrangling.

Tianenmen square

Who would  think that shopping,

could be so brave and grand.

Toilet rolls and crackers,

loaded in each hand.

No idea what the poems are about?Have a look here for the story behind the poem.


We have a connection

and that may seem a little strange,

but as you read this,

your life will slightly change,

for just as every leaf,

is part of every tree,

so I am part of you,

and you are part of me.

All words have been sterilised

You know this is about you dont you?

Your fanciful romances,
The traits you try to change,
Your festered predilection,
For the tiptop range.

The steps that you could climb,
If you only had the chance,
And the aching in your heart,
For limbs that lithely dance.

Your self esteem is fragile,
You seem a little shy,
but underneath the make up
you are trifle sly.

Its time to make your mind up,

  too late to be unsteady,
The decision has been made,
..are you really ready?

The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a ten pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
"O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are,
You are,      You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you are!"

If you found one of these,
enjoy the rhythm of the poem,
Enjoy the £10,
If you don’t need all of it,
put £5 back,
if you can afford it,
put £20 back

and recieve - £40 worth of happiness.

The Dam

You might be the grit

that makes the weight

that breaks the wall.

You might be the pebble

that makes the ripple

that breaks the dam.

Every small good thing you do

makes big things possible.

If I were from another town,

Would you help me not to drown,

Would you save me from the sea,

offer me a ginger nut and tea?

If I were from a foreign land,

would you still lend me a hand,

If i were a refugee,

would you come with boats,

      and rescue me?

Life is like an onion.

Life is like an onion,

there's none should go to waste

but you might just have to cry a bit,

to appreciate the taste.